Saturday, October 18, 2008

Theory of Controlled Emotions - Why and When?

With the initial feedback I received for my first blog - Theory of Controlled Emotions, I realised that I did not cover logically the most important thing we should do in our lives- The WHY part?
I mean I didn't cover, why should some one practice this theory of controlled emotions.

Why 'why' is so important ?
If you have seen Men in Black (1997 Scientific action comedy movie starring Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith, try to recollect the scene in which K invites J for interview to be selected for something. J reaches late. Here is the transcript (All right of original guys)
Z: My name is Zed. You're all here because you're the best of the best. Marines, Air Force, Navy SEALs,Army Rangers, N.Y.P.D.And we're looking for one of you.Just one. What will follow is a series of simple tests...for motor skills,concentration, stamina.(James raises hand to ask a question)I see we have a question.

James Edwards (Will Smith) :I'm sorry,maybe you already answered this but...why exactly are we here?

Z: Son. (Pointing to macho Army guy)

A Army guy: Second Lieutenant Jake Jensen. West Point. Graduate with honors.  We're here because you want the best of the best of the best, sir! (after hearing this, James laughs)

Z: What's so funny, Edwards?

James Edwards (Will Smith) :Your boy, Captain America, here.''The best of the best of the best, sir!'' ''With honors.'' He's just really excited,and he has no clue why we're here. That's very funny to me. 

Humour apart, that's what we do day in and day out. doing daily chores without any idea or clue, why the hell are we doing something or the other. Why do you get up every morning? Why do we go to work? Why do we want to be us ? 

Its so painful when no one can answer you. The only way people think they have found themselves having an answer is submitting to someone they consider superior. It takes the weight out of their brain and pushes it on someone else. Its so easy to push all your responsibilities on others. Anyways. The bottom line is - 'Why' is very important.

Why should you follow - Theory of controlled emotions?
I can answer this in plain simple 10 sentences , just like a standard answer in some exam but it wont be of much value since we really want to understand and not just know. Some of my friends might think I am the last person on planet earth to talk about emotions. They have concluded that Nilesh does not have a heart. he even feels with his brains. True. I agree. But let me state my point.

Control your emotions or they will control you.Emotions are the very basic thing which separates animate objects from the inanimate ones. So bottom line - they are very powerful and are integral part of our life. No one can be with emotions. But as said in Spider man - with great power comes great responsibilities. If he have been given this amazing power, its our responsibility to harness it to the good of everyone including us. If not, it will become a Pandora's box and cause only plague of death for everybody in our contact. The very power which makes us human will cause so much trauma in our life that we might consider why the hell are we living. To give an example - how he could do that do me, how he could say that to me, how he could behave that way, he is mean, jealous and what now. These are just various scenarios in which we see that emotions are going wrong. The very person we liked being with is now facing the wrath of the Gods :) Don't limit your imagination to just your boyfriend/girlfriend but it applies to even your family and relatives.

In all the above situations, one thing is common - things just not going right. Effect - Emotions going wrong. Result - degradation of relationships, which can even lead to sour end of once beautiful relations.

Agreed that emotions come naturally and we should let them act on their free will. But dude! This does not happen all the time. If everyone could act on their free will, everyone would be happy and the world will become Utopia. But unfortunately, its also a state which is not self sustainable. So whats the next course of action- naturally, control whats going wrong.

Theory of controlled emotions - When ?
So what I want to emphasis is - Don't try to practice controlled emotions theory always. It does not need to be followed every second. When things are going right, enjoy the flow. Thank God, your parents and well wishers. But when things are going wrong, breath slowly. Calm you brain. Have control over your emotions or they will control you. Your brain should take over and not your emotions. Don't let the beautiful power of emotions turn into something ugly and self destructive. 
Consider an example of Horse riding. When horse is in good mood, you do not need to do take extra effort to have a good time riding the horse. You just enjoy the flow. But when he gets out of control, you have to gather all your skills and bring the situation under control. Hope you got the analogy.

Comments? Agree/disagree?
Nilesh Chhajed


Parimal said...

hi Nilesh,

Enjoyed your post and theory too...
I agree with mot of the part but I would like to lok at the whole thing in a bit different way. The way we are trying to control them looks like we are tying to supress them with a placebo.
Are we going to the root of the problem..may be we are just diverting it!!!
This will work most of the times :)
But what if we learn to look at things that make us sad from one level above. May be just dont specialise our case by asking why me? why me? .. but generalising it... then theory of probability should answer all our questions revealing ourselves that things will even out..
Can you look at ourselves from third person point by just being a witness. That will tell us things are not as bad as look..isnt it?

May be just rsising above the circle that we unknowingly draw around ourself should help :)

Let me know what you think about it :)

Nilesh Chhajed said...

Hey Parimal.
How are you man? Nice to hear from you after so long.
Thanks for taking your valuable time ourt and reading out my stuff.

Yes, even I beleive in theory of probability and the lucky/unlcky draw from a set of cards. But when we are at the receiving end, it's not that easy to digest the stuff :P But alas, its the only truth.
And ofcourse having a third party independent review/opinion is the best thing. This will help in getting completely unbiased opiion of the situation.

What I am talking is about how to work yourselves out when things are not going right and its completely in our hands to either stableize or succumb ourselves.

So I guess we are on the same notes. Hope you agree also. :)

Thanks once again.
Nilesh Chhajed